New and improved X-Store 2.0


The new generation of X-Store offers a wide range of improvements and news. All to give you as easy and secure access to your warehouse as possible. Mikael Ström, Head of Product Management at Axelent, gives us an insight.

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The new X-Store 2.0 is the perfect choice for example when it comes to building wall sections within your warehouse or other industrial applications. It may also be used for dividing areas or creating restricted and secure rooms for high-value items or tools and electronics that require extra safety. The new generation of X-Store is a great solution to ensure that these items are accessible for authorized personnel only.

– X-Store 2.0 is a completely redesigned product with a lot of new features and improvements. It addresses the same target group as its predecessor, but it is not compatible, says Mikael Ström, Head of Product Management.

One of the new features of X-Store 2.0 is the unique and quick way of attaching the panels to the post. It is also possible to easily dismantle a panel without affecting the panels surrounding it. The posts are flexible, which means that you now could build in up to three different directions including corners. The floor base on which the posts are mounted has a new design and can easily be combined with standard height posts for cost efficiency.

– The main advantages of X-Store 2.0 are that it is a modular system that is easy to assemble, and that is stable even in superstructure.

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The fact that the concept is modular, makes it easy to adapt to a width and height that suits your business. Each individual panel can also simply be height-adjusted and the new joints enable smoother and stronger vertical mounting. Another advantage is that the different colors of the wall and door panels create clear passages.

With the X-Store 2.0 you also have the option to add a roofing system or customize the installation with a cutting package and adjustable fit pieces. The ceiling has a maximum width of six meters, but no limitations regarding the length. This make it possible for you to choose a system that is optimal for your warehouse.

– The ceiling is easy to assemble and has a good solidity and stability, even though it is not built for walking on. You can choose the roofing solution by a simple click in SnapperWorks.

Since it is available in SnapperWorks, you can easily design it to fit your needs. The X-Store 2.0 wide range of locks and doors are based on X-Guard’s range.

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