

Axel informs you about workplace accidents!

  • The annual cost of occupational accidents and injuries worldwide comes to USD 2,680 billion
  • There were more than 3.3 million serious workplace accidents in the EU in 2017 and 3,552 fatal accidents.
  • Here at Axelent, we’ve touched on the fact that workplace accidents can have serious consequences for the injured person as well as for their relatives, colleagues and managers in previous articles. But a workplace accident can also have disastrous financial consequences for a company.
  • In addition to the emotional and purely financial costs of caring for the injured person, there are a number of indirect costs, such as equipment replacement, production shutdowns, fines/compensation, reduced productivity, bad press, recruitment and training of new employees plus reduced productivity from other employees – to name just a few.

Source: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work and the American Society of Safety Professionals

If you have questions, send us a mail or give us a call!

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